Getting Unstuck
Scott offered me a hand getting unstuck this morning. Unfortunately, try as he might, all of Scott’s efforts were for naught. He was unable to free the truck from the gravel I was stuck in. Reinforcements were required and greatly appreciated.
A Busy Week
The early bird gets the worm or so they say. Every morning this week I was up and gone before sunrise. Sometimes you just have to sit and wait for the cement truck to finish unloading so that the cement guys can pour the sidewalk that ajoins the new street that you’re trying to […]
Seal Coating
Thursday morning I was up and gone from the house before sunrise. This days mission was to help feed the seal coating machine with top coat material.
Paving, Patching And Lots Of Hauling
First order of business today was to load hotmix for the paving crew. However, first things first I discovered that I needed my alternator replaced only two blocks from the shop. Hotmix asphalt gets tarped to help prevent heat loss in transit to the paving machine. After hauling a load of sand used in asphalt […]
Rain On The Horizon
Paving work was cut short today because there was a big rain storm on the horizon. Today was another first for me… Dumping hotmix asphalt on the paving machine. This was definitely an interesting experience. I look forward to doing so again as it’s impossible to to become good at it without repetition. I look […]
The First Day Pictures
I’m sure you’ve read the Post I wrote on August 19th and know that I’ve switched jobs. Well, today was my first day as a dump truck driver. I’ve learned a bunch today and I’m totally exhausted. Pork chop dinner was just about ready when I arrived home this evening. I think it’s time to chill out […]
QBall45’s 6th Anniversary
It appears that I’m having an Anniversary here on the site. Who’d have remembered? Certainly not I! Thanks to for the reminder notification. I may have forgotten this particular Anniversary however, I did remember and made plans for Sunday. There may or may not be some dinner plans with the Mrs to celebrate […]
The End Of An Era – I Quit!
As the sun sets bringing an end to the day, so too does it bring the end of my career as a full time regional over the road trucker. Yes, I quit my job of twelve and a half years. After thirteen years and eight months of leaving the house on Sunday and returning sometime […]