Garage Floor Demo
Occasionally it becomes necessary to remove a perfectly good garage floor because of water caused damage. In this particular case ground water caused the block walls, that support the building, to lean out in such a way as to put the building at risk of collapse.
Air Ride Suspension Upgrade
One of our newer dump trucks was purchased a few years ago with a spring ride rear suspension. This makes for a miserably rough ride both on and off road. Finally, after several drivers rotated in and out of #12 the powers that be made the decision to upgrade the suspension system this truck should […]
Are You Suffering From ‘TARD’?
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) is a pattern of pathologically dis-associative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of TARD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme sadness. People with TARD are characterized […]
Excavator Cleaning
This morning I spent three hours working on cleaning an excavator. Yes it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. This 325 Cat looks monstrous when it’s inside the shop. In reality it isn’t all that big. First things first. What can be removed from the tracks with a space must be removed. […]
Side Dump Trucking
This week I had the opportunity to jump in the side dump for a while. The tractor trailer is something I’m extremely familiar with. However, running a trailer that tips sideways is a new thing for me. After spending a few minuets getting used to the controls for the trailer I went to load. I […]
Stuff Happens
Sometimes things just happen. The first load of 3″ rock was delivered and spread to perfection. In fact subsequent loads were dumped in a pile as the dozer operator really wanted something to do. Sometimes you completely rely on the guy on the ground giving hand signal directions. Most often this works out very […]
Fun Times In The Washbay
Wednesday started out washing some equipment. Unfortunately, the key on the dozer we’d left drip dry over night broke when we attempted to start it. With no replacement part on hand I worked around it the best I could. Washing construction equipment is a dirty business. A nasty combination of dirty, clay, sand and […]
Mini Rod Tractor Pull
Back in July of 2013 I took the kids to watch the mini rod tractor pull. Naturally I decided to take a few pictures. Well… Pictures turned into videos. I’m not one for keeping cool videos to myself so it was uploaded to my YouTube channel. For some reason I was looking at view counts […]
Big Waves at Canal Park – Duluth, MN
Having heard the stories about The Edmund Fitzgerald and it’s disappearance on November 10th, 1975 we’ve been talking about making a trip up to Duluth in November. So arrangements were made to get the trip put into our busy schedule. As luck would have it the weekend, Duluth and the majority of Minnesota is being clobbered by […]