Obomalogic Or Lack Thereof

This makes as much sense as anything I’ve looked at today. That is to say, the things that Obama wants to do in regards to firearms restrictions make absolutely no sense and will not help to reduce crime. Simply adding the word “assault” in front of another word does not inherently make that word or thing evil, undesirable or any more dangerous. For some reason there has become a trend lately of using the word “assault” as an adjective rather than as a noun. By adding the word “assault” in front of “weapon” or “rifle” the anti-gunners use “assault” as an adjective that describes either “weapon” or “rifle.” I could also use adjectives to describe today’s most popular semi-auto rifle. My favorite way to talk about the AR15 is by referring to it as a Modern Sporting Rifle. Using this terminology more accurately describes the AR15 as it is most commonly used for sporting purposes.

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