Cop Humor #3 – Rookie Border Patrol Agent

Appropriated from Cop Humor on Facebook who appropriated from Law Enforcement WTF! Moments…

A wet-behind-the ears border patrol agent is on his first night alone. He catches a group of about 20 illegals coming over the border and takes them at gunpoint, but he can’t remember his basic Spanish for “show me your hands.” So his mind is racing and he remember an old movie (Young Guns?) where the hero screams something and some Mexicans throw up their hands. So he screams this phrase from his memory. All the illegals throw up their hands, fall to their knees, and start gabbling in Spanish. He holds them there.

When his supervisor shows up, the supervisor is a native speaker and is able to talk the detainees into compliance.

Much later, he asks, “What did you tell these people? They’re scared to death.” The new guy repeats his phrase, and the supervisor laughs.

“You just told them, ‘Pray to God, you’re about to meet him!'”

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