The Rant #1

Here are a few things that have bothered me this week.  Agree or disagree with me.  These are my opinions and no one else’s.

Steve Jobs – dead
While this should come as no surprise considering Steve’s long battle with cancer, news of his death has rocked the nation.  If ever there was one man responsible for affecting all of humanity, in a positive way, it would be Steve Jobs.  There is not a single person on the planet that has not either directly or indirectly been affected by Steve’s work.  I just heard this morning that the Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket/protest at Steve’s funeral.  I’m all about a persons 1st amendment rights. But there comes a time when enough is enough already.  Can a family not bury their dead in peace?  I have just a few words for the Westboro Baptist Church, shut up and stay home.

The “Jobs Bill”
Obama’s “Jobs Bill” is a complete load of trash.  It will not ‘save or create’ jobs.  However, if passed, it will pad the pockets of some high level executives.  We tax payers would benefit more by using the cash for this ‘bill’ to start a bon-fire.  At least people might stay warm around the fire.  This ‘Jobs Bill’ is not about jobs, it’s about the Obama attempting to get reelected.  Hurry!  Lets pass this ‘bill’ now!

I want to see a one on one debate between Obama and Cain.  Any bets which would revert to ebonics and ghetto slang first?  I have a fairly good idea which it would be.  Who really pays attention to these political debates anyway?

I heard last on the news that there is a group of people attempting to claim that the use of drone aircraft to kill terrorists is unconstitutional.  Hmm, last I read it, The Constitution of the United States contained no such wording.  Seems to me a wise plan to use remote piloted aircraft.  The health and wellbeing of US pilots are much less in harms way thousands of miles away in a command center rather than in the air.  On this subject, since when is it ‘ok’ to use roadside bombs to kill US soldiers?

Stupid Drivers
I know you’ve heard the phrase “where’d ya get your drivers license?
From a Cracker Jacks box?”  Lately I’ve noticed a drastic increase in people that wear the “Stupid Driver Award” proudly.   Apparently, turn signals are now optional equipment and use thereof is no longer required by law.  I see jumping 3 lanes to the turn lane no longer calls for use of the turn signal or a pause at each lane.  I guess these people haven’t heard about preparing for the exist ahead of time.   There is no known cure for stupidity.  However, if you suffer from an acute case of Recital Cranial Inversion Disorder see your doctor immediately.

Until next time…

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