QBall45’s Thoughts On The UN

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from a friend of mine that contained a link to a story about how the United Nations wishes to put forth a ban on small arms. The following is my reply to that email and my general opinion on the UN.

The UN has been trying for years to disarm the US. This attempt happens annually and fails. As far as I know any treaty passed by the UN must also be accepted by both Houses of Congress & passed I believe by 2/3rds of the States & signed by POTUS. (I very well may be incorrect about how this works.) Doing so would be political suicide.

The US populous has more privately owned firearms than any other single country. (At least as far as I know. Hard telling with the poor records kept by 3rd world countries.) My guess is the US has more privately held firearms than all other countries combined. This simple fact alone is why the UN is bent on banning small arms.

Most people I know and all gun owners I know the consensus is that the UN is an outdated, useless power hungry black hole for US cash. By the way, you do know the US, even in today’s “economic crisis” provides the bulk of the UN’s budget.

As far as I’m concerned the US needs to remove itself from the UN & kick the UN headquarters off US soil. The UN does nothing but disrespect the United States and therefore must go. Somewhere, I don’t care where. Anywhere but here.

Tell me exactly what the UN actually does other than pass “resolutions” that are as worthless as the paper they’re written on? The UN, I though served as the world’s peace keepers. That’s funny. The last I heard, read & saw those UN Blue Helmets didn’t carry guns and simply got in the way. They run for cover any time the peace actually needs to be kept. A complete waste of money and uniforms in my opinion.

The world’s true peace keepers are the soldiers of the US Military.
End of rant.
Thx for sharing.

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