Gun Free Zone Signs

With the ever growing number of concealed weapons permits growing exponentially each year the Anti Gun Industry goes to great lengths to push their message. The most common evidence of this being the “NO GUNS ALLOWED” signs that seem to pop up like spring time weeds. Here are a few examples.

The message the following signs truly give is: “Just so you know, the only people allowed to have firearms inside this business are criminals, murders and rapists. No law abiding, background checked and finger printed good guys are allowed to carry their legal and permitted to carry self protection devices in our business. However, we still want their money. We prefer that you the customer are helpless victims.”

This sign is what I believe most businesses really intend when the post one of the “NO GUNS” signs like those above.

Unfortunately, this is the real message that you the valued customer and patron of a business gets when you walk past that “NO GUNS” sign on the front door.

However, the true result of posting a “NO GUNS ALLOWED” sign is in reality closer to this. This is what a criminal sees when he/she sees that “NO GUNS” sign.

Make your money speak for your beliefs.

If you see signs like this take the time to seek out the business owner and thank them for respecting your rights. As well as for their understanding that your decision to legally carry a firearm makes you a safe and valued customer.

Why am I legal on one side of the street yet on the other I am no different than a criminal? This is wrong and should be fixed.

Don’t even try telling me that schools “need” to be gun free. My answer is rather pointed. Have you paid any attention to the news lately? No I do not believe students generally speaking should be allowed to bring guns to school. That is unless they are on a school sponsored shooting team or the student is of legal age to aquire a carry permit. I intentionally left out hunters. On your way to the field stop home and pick up your gear.

Is this really the message we want our children to have? Guns are bad so get rid of them? What does that leave? That means only the criminals will have guns. So, when seconds count and law enforcement is minutes away what will you do? Become a victim? Or, will you choose to take a stand to defend the lives of those you love against those that wish to do you harm?

Our Founding Fathers were far wiser than they knew. The understood the necessity of each item in The Bill of Rights. The reason for the Second Amendment is to protect the First. The Second Amendment was not intended as a means for preserving the rights of sportsmen to hunt for food. No, the reason we have the Second Amendment is so We the People have the means to defend ourselves againts tyrants and criminals. Don’t believe me? That’s fine. Go read the notes of our Founding Fathers on this issue.

I have made my decision not to be a helpless victim. What about you?

Yes, my personal protection firearm of choice is the 100 year old field tested and battle proven 1911 45ACP designed by the godfather of the modern semi-auto pistol. Mr. John Moses Browning

I am a firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms. Get training and get your carry permit. Refuse to be a helpless victim.

Guns don’t kill people.
People kill people.

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