I was going to put this on twitter but there’s too many liberals there and I don’t feel like getting flamed.

I’m at the DMV this morning.

This is America right?

And the official language of the is US English right?

If you’re not a citizen and don’t have any kind of documentation… How the eff can you get an ID much less a license?

Probably 75% of the people in here are Hispanics with kids running around all over the place.  And they barely know English.

If they’re here RENEWING their license they should know English. They shouldn’t need an INTERPRETER.

I don’t hate the DMV so much as what it represents.

Have you ever had to take a child to the ER at night?  You know what happens at most of them? You’re queued behind Hispanics who can’t speak a word of English or barely passable at best.  And most often they don’t have insurance.

They go because our laws make it so that hospitals can’t turn them away because of lack of insurance.

And then you, working and paying your taxes get to jump through the hoops with your insurance carrier and hope that they haven’t written this out in some buried clause in your policy.

And then? Who pays the bill for the Hispanics?

We do!

Their sense of entitlement pisses me off! They get mad at Americans who want to deport the illegal ones!

I get so angry.

During the height of the foreclosure crisis a NATIONAL magazine ran an article that featured an immigrant couple who was getting their high 6 figure home foreclosed on them. He was a trade worker and they had no business being in that home.

The media portrayed them as victims just trying to get their part of the dream.

They didn’t even hide the fact they were illegals. They portrayed them as victims.
What you’ve just read is an excerpt from a BlackBerry Messenger Group Chat. Posted here for your reading enjoyment with the knowledge and approval of the original author whom shall remain nameless.

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