The Facade

The Facade, the hard stone exterior of a building… Impervious to the elements. Hard. Cold. Not very snugly.

The facade is something I’ve learned to use myself. As the son of a military veteran and cop as well as being a veteran myself, the facade comes easily. The only way to deal with life is to put up that hard, cold, stone exterior facade. Trudge on, get the job done, impervious, unaffected, rock hard, stone cold. It just works…

Well, most of the time it works. When upset, tired, angry, among strangers, in the line of duty the facade becomes a real and necessary part of life. Without it, the man appears weak… easy prey. There comes a time that it truly becomes necessary to wear the facade or mask if you will. I guess its that warrior mentality. Put all emotion in a bottle and slam the cork in hard. Then present a hard, stone cold, zero emotion exterior. This behavior just happens to some. Its caused by dealing with situations where it truly is necessary to wear that facade in order to mentally handle life’s current situation. This is also a learned behavior. Much like one learns to open a door for a lady.

For me, I’ve learned through self examination these past few days that I wear the facade all too often. I think I will make an attempt to work on this. I know its made me hard to deal with. Some would say it makes me hard to live with.

I shall try to work on this. However, its going to be rather hard to change a learned behavior. Especially one that comes all to easy.

Its time I listen to thy Dear Wife.


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