Where’s The Tech News?

Where’s the tech news on QBall45.com?  A fine question with an extremely simple answer.  It’s missing.  You might ask ‘why?’  This is where my answer is less than simple. 

There are many reasons as to why I have backed off writing about the latest tech news. I feel that a site needs a dedicated staff of writers in order to do tech news properly. I rather not add additional writers. Yes, I’m a control freak. Life has gotten busy the past few months both at work and personally.

If I feel something is extraordinary I may decide to get “on board the train” and do a piece on it. However, don’t hold your breath.

I think its time I get back into the creative writing mode. Not long ago I was involved in a twitter conversation with another blogger on this very subject. My advice to her was to write what comes from the heart. Writing tech news is fast paced fun. However, not all that personally satisfying. This is not to say that I no longer enjoy staying informed and up to date on the latest news. I’m just going to let those ‘other’ sites do the writing while I do the reading.

What’s all this mean to you, the reader? It means that you can expect to see a mixed bag of goodness here at QBall45.com where life is rarely dull and always filled with humor and personal opinion. Enter at yoyr own risk.

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