First order of business today was to load hotmix for the paving crew. However, first things first I discovered that I needed my alternator replaced only two blocks from the shop.
Hotmix asphalt gets tarped to help prevent heat loss in transit to the paving machine.
After hauling a load of sand used in asphalt manufacturing I loaded another load of hotmix and headed an hour west to work with the patching crew. They were busy patching city streets. This was another new experience for me as the guys used the skidsteer to scoop one bucket of mix at a time out of the box. .
A return load of “junk” that gets ground up and recycled into new asphalt.
The rest of my day was flat out busy as heck Hauling from a site that is having its parking lot completely rebuild from the vase up.
Tomorrow brings yet another new adventure… Seal coating! I can’t wait.
Until then, QBall45