MyBBOTA Upload Tutorial

So you’ve created your BlackBerry Theme and want to have it available to share with others. The easiest method to accomplish this is by OTA (over the air) download link. I’ve found no other hosting service to be as easy or as fast as Start by creating an account for yourself. There are several different levels to choose from. All levels have distinct advantages. Pick the one that works for you.

You’ve saved your theme. Now export or publish it for OTA. My best advice here is to save this to a separate folder and label it as “OTA Theme Name” to enable you to locate it easily. Be sure to save a screen shot of your theme in the OTA folder you’ve just exported your theme into. I use Zonasnap to take my screen shots on my BlackBerry. There are other applications that work equally as well.

Well, now you’ve published or exported for OTA and have your screen shot/s. Now what?

Start by logging in to your MyBBOTA account. Then click on the “Create OTA” button.

Fill out ALL the required information. Well, actually everything must be filled out. Fill in Theme name, Vendor (that’s you) and Version (Test is not acceptable as a version)

Be certain to remember to select the proper device type from the drop menu.

Now the fun begins. (Please understand these screen shots are taken on my BlackBerry so the screen on your PC will look slightly different). Click on the “Browse” button under “Files” and locate that file you named earlier as “OTA Theme Name” Now select the first file. It should end with .cod. Click the “Browse” button again. The second file in you folder will end with .jad and you want to skip over it to the next .cod file. Repeat this process until you have selected ALL of the .cod files in this folder. You might have as few as five or you may have many more. The key is to select them all and not skip or duplicate any. If this should happen you will receive an error message when attempting to OTA download your theme. (I know this to be true from personal experience.) If you should by chance include the .jad file your OTA will be refused. This is referred to as a slap on the wrist for not following directions. (It happens, I’ve done it more than once.) Now you get to start this process all over again.

You’ve selected all you theme’s .cod files. Now it’s time to include the required screen shot. This is done in the exact same way as the .cod files were. Click the “Browse” button next to “Screen Shots” One is required, multiples are acceptable. Include what you think best shows off your theme.

Please read and be aware of the instructions at the bottom. They sum things up quite nicely.

I hope this little tutorial makes things easier for you. My goal is to make your experience with easy and pleasant.

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